
Wednesday 4 December 2013

Thriller Filming - Day 2

Last night was the second night of filming, where we would tackle the opening of our sequence to around halfway. Firstly, after we returned from sixth form, we went back to our homes and assembled whatever we needed to bring with us to the shoot. I nad to assemble the cast, and so briefed my sister, Ellie, before walking to Beth's where we would meet and wait for Jacob to return from University. After he got back we got the characters in costume and met Nathan, who was playing the Shade and was already in costume, en route to the location we were filming at, which was the street in Thrope Marriott (The Cains).

 Pictured here are all three actors. I will create a blog post with our reasoning for casting them soon, most likely in lesson time when not reviewing footage. On the top left is Nathan (on scene), in the centre is Ellie (who plays Charlotte Adams) and on the right is Jacob (not in costume) who plays the Detective. See Thriller Planning - The Cast for further details on the Cast.

We filmed up to shot eleven on the planning edit, and attempted a few extra shots in different orders as practice - arriving at the conclusion that they needed to be shot in daylight to prevent them from being grainy. We managed to capture all of the footage we required from that night, including walking down the street, meeting the girl, and the first Shade encounter - we filmed a few extra shots not detailed in the planning edit also that we thought may be of use, but ultimately stuck to the planning edit.

An image of myself filming
This is a picture that Beth took of me setting up the camera ready to film a scene in the street. Ellie, (Charlotte Adams) is in full costume standing infront of a streetlight which created a mysterious and spooky atmosphere. In the backround you can see Jacob (The Detective) being briefed on his role - Beth had already spoken to Ellie about what she had to do at this point. We did face some difficulties in filming - for instance, we were filming at around 6:30, when many people would be returning home from work, and there was a constant stream of cars coming in and out of the street, making filming very slow paced as we had to stop filming each time or move the camera out of the road. Similary pedestrians or dog walkers caused similar issues as they would be in the shot at any point on the street so we would have to wait for them to pass. Towards the end a car parked on the corner of the roundabout which we had to avoid to prevent a continuity error, but we did this well, and ultimately finished with a scenes looking like the image shown on the right, of Ellie looking very eerie, mysterious, and out of place on the street corner.

In today's lesson we discussed what filming would take place tonight. Most of the group can't attend so it may just be me and Ellie seeing what we can film in the circumstances. The deadline has been extended until Monday 16th so we could film any extras on Saturday/Sunday afternoon, and we also decided not to re-shoot every scene in daylight as we are happy with the way the first version went.


  1. Make sure your posts aren't all identical. Individual contribution needs to be clear!
    It would be useful to post some screen shots of your captured footage to illustrate your reviews of the filming.

  2. Again this was a post I typed up myself out of lesson time as a recap of the nights filming and the events of the lesson also. I did a post with a screen shot of the captured footage on iMovie separately, in my series of posts to do with the actual construction phase. There are some screenshots in the post "Thriller Construction - Lesson 2 & 3" and a few details regarding reviewing the footage. It can be found under the label "Updates".
