
Wednesday 5 February 2014

Approaching the Evaluation - Methods of Presentation

In today's lesson we started looking at the Evaluation process and how to approach each of the Evaluation questions. There are seven questions to be answered in total, and I intend to answer each of them through a different media. The questions are:

- In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
At first I considered doing a podcast or commentary to do this question, but I feel a form of media such as Padlet would be effective to build a "Wall" on all the different aspects this question involves, such as the impact of research, and how different parts of my thriller adhere to different conventions, i.e. location, costumes, narrative and so on.

- How does your media product represent particular social groups?
For this question I feel a visual method such as Prezi would be suitable, as here I could separate individual groups, Young Adults and Young Girls in the instance of my thriller and discuss stereotypes used, costumes, and why I chose that with reference to other thriller films. Alternatively I could use SlideShare to produce a presentation on this.

- What kind of media institutions might distribute my media product and why?
This question is relatively short compared to the others with a lack of extensive material to discuss - who distributes thrillers, who I would like to distribute thrillers, where it could be distributed, and why - for this reason I thought a suitable medium would be Gliffy or similar software to create a flowchart to show how decisions influence another and so on to explain my choices.

- Who is my Audience for my Thriller?
For this question I need to focus on who my audience is with reference to my previously conducted Audience Research during the planning phase - the age range, their interests, why it relates to thrillers, and so on. I could discuss this question in a directors commentary or use another simple method of presentation to create a poster on who my audience is. I feel this would be more suitable as there would be more to discuss in the next question, how I attracted my audience.

- How did I attract my audience?
In this question I would discuss with reference to my thriller and research examples of things I included from my research in my thriller. I feel the best method to present this would be an edited video or commentary, where I can make a point and then back it up with screenshots from existing thrillers and my own thriller. 

- What have I learnt about technologies from the process of Constructing the Thriller?
This question will entail me focusing on different softwares and equipment that I have used in the production of the thriller - I can discuss Final Cut, Audacity, the equipment itself in the filming process and so on, and how I learned to use these technologies.  One way of presenting this answer could be through a podcast or voiceover, of myself discussing the advances I have made and the influence of technology on producing media products, yet I could use screenshots or other images to show myself working on the software itself, such as in Audacity and Final Cut. Alternatively therefore I could use a presentation software such as AuthorStream or EverNote.

- Looking back at the Pre-liminary task, what progression have I made to end up producing my Thriller?
In this question I will answer how I avoided making similar mistakes to in my pre-liminary task, with anything including continuity, soundtrack, characters and so on, as well as editing and the improvements made to my knowledge of the techniques. As with the previous question I could do a podcast or commentary to highlight my use of better planning, storyboarding, decision making, creativity, and production, or use software such as Word It Out / Wordle to produce a concept map highlight each area of progression.

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