
Wednesday 18 September 2013

Thriller Poster - Analysis of Conventions - Watchmen


  1. You have discussed and identified key elements of the poster in terms of the thriller genre. Make sure you discuss the use of colour and fonts as well and try to make potential links to different features of the poster, such as the contrast between the bright yellow smiley badge and the dark background. Why could this suggest?

  2. The font is in block capitals which not only makes it stand out but also gives the impression of importance and urgency. The bright yellow of the text against the dark background would have connotations with a "Good Vs. Evil" fight - typically darker colours are associated with villains and lighter colours are associated with heroes - the words "Justice is coming.." are in bright yellow enhancing this thought, that although the majority of the poster is dark, suggesting the "good guys" are outnumbered, they will fight them. Perhaps Justice just came to the person who is falling? The smiley could be of significance in the film but at first glance it is quite ambiguous- the fact there is a blood stain on it could imply that blood will be shed in the name of and/or against whoever the smiley is associated with.
