
Tuesday 17 September 2013

Semiotics, Denotations and Connotations

"Semeiotikos" is greek for "an interpreter of signs" and Semiotics is quite simply the study of signs. It is used to analyse visual codes in various types of media and incorporates anything used as human communication.

A denotation is the actual meaning of a word whereas a connotation is something associated with a word, either a feeling or idea etc. coupled with its literal meaning.

Semiotics are also present in moving images (and in still image analysis too!):
  • Tilting the camera up (low-angle shot) infers power and authority.
  • Tilting the camera down (high-angle shot) makes a character appear small and vulnerable.
  • Close-up shots, varying from standard to big to extreme can show emotion, expressions, insight, intimacy etc.
  • Long shots are taken from afar and are used to give context, scope and to establish a scene.
  • Fade in/fade out transitions can indicate the start/beginning/opening or close/ending/conclusion.

1 comment:

  1. Well don for getting caught up Joe. Your blog is looking great!
