
Monday 4 November 2013

Ideas for a Thriller Title Sequence

Here are a two rough ideas that could be used and adapted for creating a title sequence for a thriller.

Idea 1 - Pursuit:
The scene begins with a shot of a street in a town at night, lit by streetlights. The focal length of the camera could be adjusted to blur the image to give a more ambient look to the scene, this would create an eerie and mysterious sense for the setting, typical of thriller conventions. The audience could then establish this link between setting and what to expect from the film as a whole. An eerie, piano-led soundtrack would slowly fade in as a man walks into the shot, wearing winter clothes, and we can see his breath condensing. The shot would follow his movement as he walked down the street - the man would have his head down, walking quickly, and occasionally look up and take in his surroundings. The titles could appear one by one as he moves, appearing in quite a distorted manner, such as in the title sequence to "Seven". He does not appear to be carrying anything and continues to walk around a deserted town, the camera shots could perhaps show him walking in the background whilst the camera focuses on fallen leaves being moved by the wind in the foreground. This helps to build a sense of environment. The man could then walk down a darkened track as the music picks up, with strings being added to the ambient soundtrack. We could then get a glimpse of another man, perhaps a pursuer, in the background, he could be dressed in a long cloak-like coat with a hood over his head to conceal his face, to enable the audience to immediately associate him as a villain. The scene could progress until the man is out in the open, then the music could fade. Here, the man could find an object or take an object from his coat pocket and throw it away, which could allow for a potential plot. In winter time, there could be a lot of mist and fog at night time which could create a very mysterious atmosphere, and could then capture the movement of the hooded villain through the fog. This could be compared to "The Others". This section could take place in a field, and the man could look around thinking he was lost, shown from a point of view shot from the villain, who could then slowly move towards him. The music will fade, and the man will look fearful and surprised, and stumble backwards before turning and running in the opposite direction, through a field or back onto streets depending on location. He will think he has escaped, and the camera will show another hooded man, who looks almost identical to the first. This process will continue, with the man jogging, running and sprinting away from these men through alleyways and streets until eventually the man is trapped between two of the men (the whole time the music is upbeat, with the titles still being displayed). The man runs towards a forest, with emphasis on his heavy breathing and footsteps, where another hooded man will stand, looking quizzically at him. Eventually the man will become trapped from all sides by multiple men, and will then pull out a tablet from his pocket, swallow it quickly, and sit down on the floor as the men close in around him. The screen will go black and he will hear a screeching noise as the title of the film appears. I don't want there to be a typical murder type deed in my title sequence to create a more unique original idea and so the ending could be adapted to prevent this conclusion.

Idea 2 - Trapped:
The scene could begin with a phone call waking up a man from his sleep. He will angrily reach for the phone and answer it but there will be no one there. He gets up, goes into the bathroom and splashes himself with water looking in the mirror. It will be early morning, before sunrise. He will go downstairs, only to find the house has been trashed, with objects strewn across the floor. There will be notes on the walls revealing the thoughts of the person that caused this, with rough handwriting that reads, "I will find it", "You cannot hide it", "Give it to me", etc. He will carefully walk through the room and the title of the film could be written on the wall or written in large letters on a large piece of paper, i.e.  "TRAPPED"  being the only distinguishable word. This is a rough idea so exact details have not been considered. He could search the house frantically, only to find that no one is at home, then try to open the door, but it is locked and the key is not there either. This could be compared to a psychological thriller or a horror thriller, such as "Shutter Island", where there is a sense of entrapment created. The text could appear on notes or could appear on screen in block capitals as the scene progresses. The soundtrack would be quiet to start with and escalate with the characters emotions. This is a very rough idea and in places would be difficult to film, but the idea could be drawn on and adapted to provide a more realistic plot for the film and a more practical scene to actually create.

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